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Looking for an alternative to Infusionsoft (also known as Keap)? Look no further... Here is how Platformly compares to Infusionsoft.
Your InfusionSoft (Keap) Alternative - Platformly

Your InfusionSoft (now Keap) alternative

Make marketing automation easy as pie

Instead of spending hours on tweaking your automations, set and track everything in a few clicks. Find everything in the right place with intuitive interfaces and customer support accessible anytime.

Ever heard of Confusion Soft?

That’s what people call InfusionSoft behind its back. It was so bad that they had to change their name to Keap. Unfortunately for their users, the name changed but the tool is still as confusing as ever.

Ever heard of Confusion Soft?
Looking for InfusionSoft (now Keap) alternatives?

Platformly removes confusion from marketing automation

Capture, nurture and close leads from first visit to payment tracking. See reports that show you what’s working,

Business dashboards
Business dashboards

Your crucial business data updated in real-time dashboards that track your customers from lead to revenue.

Full funnel automation
Full funnel automation

You don’t have to pay separately for email systems, a CRM or a shopping cart app. It’s all done in Platformly.

Marketing CRM
Marketing CRM

Capture and segment leads to trigger automations that match where they are at in their journey.

See which marketing channels are making you money and which ones aren't

Discover which campaigns drive revenue for your business
Discover which campaigns drive revenue for your business

Whenever someone clicks on a link you create on Platformly, we start tracking their actions. Once they opt in or buy something from you, all their actions are assigned back to them, so you can track which ads or content is actually making you money.

"The best part about Platformly is that you see the big picture of how your business is performing in real time. You can generate leads, onboard new customers, track the channels that generate revenue for you and automate your marketing."

Sergei Kharchenko

Product Marketing Manager at Skyvia Data Platform

Reporting that's built for subscription-based businesses
Reporting that's built for subscription-based businesses

Understand every nook and cranny of your business. Reports include the usual lead and conversion data, but also sales charting, MRR tracking and forecasting.

"Platformly is the seamless combination of CRM with email marketing and automation tools. The reporting possibilities (which I haven't even leveraged yet) look super awesome."

Paul Lacey
Co-Founder at The Dickiebirds Studio

Better personalization
Better personalization

Using custom personalization fields in email is nothing new. Reach a pro level of personalization by incorporating dynamic content and advanced logic not only in marketing emails, but on landing pages as well.

"Platformly is very easy to use! It’s user-friendly, easy to navigate, everything is super intuitive. I love that I can create automated workflow sequences based on segments, tags, and triggers."

Kate Kvakhnenko
Global Partnership Manager at Serpstat

Andrew Agafonov
Platformly is your InfusionSoft (now Keap) alternative

Head-to-Head Comparison

Platformly vs InfusionSoft (Keap)
Platformly vs InfusionSoft (Keap)
Platformly vs InfusionSoft (Keap)
Platformly vs InfusionSoft (Keap)
Platformly vs InfusionSoft (Keap)
Platformly vs InfusionSoft (Keap)
Platformly vs InfusionSoft (Keap)

More features doesn't have to mean more headaches

Our core automation, emailing and CRM features are included on all plans.

15-day trial - We'll help you get set up

What’s keeping you in InfusionSoft?
What’s keeping you in InfusionSoft?

Is it their automated follow-ups? Or their CRM? Whatever it may be, you can be sure Platformly does it, and does it with ease.

If after 30 days you don’t feel Platformly makes your life easier than InfusionSoft, we’ll give you your money back — no questions asked.

Platformly integrates with your sales and marketing stack

Google Analytics

Send more targeted emails that get your contacts to convert at lightning speed!

Only 5 minutes to set up
Developer support is not required

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Platformly - All-in-One Marketing Automation Platform for Online Businesses

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